Improving PDG Vector Creation for AnDarwin

Julia Matsieva • ECS 235A • Fall 2012


A program dependency graph is graph that captures information about control flow or data dependencies in a program. In order to identify plagiarized Android applications, the AnDarwin tool constructs PDG's of Android programs by creating a node for each statement and drawing an edge to any other statements that use data from this node. Thus, the PDG describes the structure of the program without being too susceptible to obfuscations like variable renaming or reversal of loop conditions, for example.

However, this means that recognizing similar Android programs is reduced to finding the maximum common subgraph isomorphism between two PDG's — a known NP-hard problem. So if one desires to search an entire app store for plagiarized apps, a solution that requires pair-wise exponential-time comparison of applications is impractical. Therefore, for each PDG, we construct a PDG vector and then use the LSH clustering algorithm for vectors to identify structurally similar programs.


Currently, AnDarwin PDG vectors are constructed as follows: the statements in the program are classified into d types, resulting in a d-dimensional vector. Then, the ith value of the vector is the number of statements of type i; for example, if a program has a total of 7 conditional statements, then there will be a 7 in the location corresponding to conditional statements in the vector. From a graph-theoretic standpoint, this method of constructing vectors only records information about types of nodes; unfortunately, this method throws away all edge information about the graph. Therefore, we want to develop a method for creating PDG vectors that preserves for information about graph structure


The following are some desirable properties of the obtained solutions for this work. Since this project involves analysis of an existing data set and does not really have a ground truth, these techniques will not be completely theoretical and may require some tweaking for implementation purposes. Nevertheless, we want these methods to

Expected Results

One promising method for separating false positives; that is, graphs that have the same vector but non-isomorphic PDG's is recording the max out-degree of each node-type in the PDG vector. This helps distinguish non-isomorphic graphs and has the desired properties listed above.

Additional techniques to combat false negatives occurring due to addition of dummy variables or useless computation include recording average out-degree data in the vector or skewing Euclidean space to model the ease with which certain statement types can be added for obfuscation purposes. These techniques may require more adjustment on real-world data.


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